What Makes Someone Successful


My father was a violinist. My uncle played the saxophone. My cousin’s grandfather sang and played the accordion and the piano in a restaurant he owned.

I felt that I was born with musical talent. So, I decided that I would learn how to sing. I gathered my friends and enrolled into a singing class at my community college. We learned scales, went to karaoke, got a practice room to practice in daily, and took advantage of all office hours. I was ambitious and put in a lot of effort. I took singing classes for a year and a half and even took a couple of private lessons. And I’ve got to tell you…I still can’t sing. As much effort as I put in and as much musical I believed I had, the other classmates were years ahead of me. They were improving faster. And it made me wonder:

What is it about some people that makes them just so good at things?


Is there anyway to tell if someone is more likely to be successful in life?

But first, what does “Success” even mean? Continue reading “What Makes Someone Successful”

Under the Oak: What makes people charismatic, and where is the answer to the meaning of life found?


Welcome to Under the Oak.  Here  ideas are free flow and grow without  the pejorative of judgments, beliefs, and biases.  Like watching a movie, come in with a open mind, and suspend doubts. Come take a seat with us Under the Oak as we dwell into what makes people charismatic, and where the answer to the meaning of is life found.

Continue reading “Under the Oak: What makes people charismatic, and where is the answer to the meaning of life found?”

Under the Oak: Medical Hypothermia, and Enlightenment


I recently saw an article online that was discussing how doctors are looking at the medical benefits of hypothermia.  They believe that maybe we could save more lives by reducing people’s body temperatures in a controlled way. We also started talking about the many worlds interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, and what is Enlightenment.

Continue reading “Under the Oak: Medical Hypothermia, and Enlightenment”

What are Earthquakes?

It is inevitable that a powerful and massive earthquake will strike California. How disastrous it is, is ultimately up to us; the more we prepare the better we’ll be able to handle it.  This is my first post in a series on understanding the earthquakes of our planet, and how we make sure to survive and thrive when a catastrophic one occurs. Even though this series will include statistics on the “big one” in California, this information applies to everyone around the world.

Continue reading “What are Earthquakes?”

The Voyage To Understanding Life And Why I Decided To Take It


There is one idea that has stuck with me since the day I learned about it: What we are is an incarnation of the fabric of life with the ability to consciously create, question, and control our reality.

Essentially, everything in the universe is connected, and all the parts are affected and influenced by one another. Our concept of having different realities, different life experiences, is caused by our ability to change our perception of the information around us. There are no limits to how far we can travel, to what we can create, and who we can become, for these are false boundaries created by the same mechanism which allows us to explore the deepest corners of the unknown.

Continue reading “The Voyage To Understanding Life And Why I Decided To Take It”